April 2020 Blast


I hope this email finds all of you and your families safe from the COVID-19 virus. These are trying times, and we wish everyone good health and a rapid transition back to normal.

2020 Conference

We still intend to have our annual MWSA membership conference this September, but we also know that everything will depend on how quickly the virus dissipates.  Like everyone else, we will be monitoring the situation. Please know that if we have to cancel the conference, any and all registration fees will be reimbursed without penalty.  Likewise, if the situation allows us to have our conference, but an individual is affected at the last minute by the virus and has to cancel, we will fully reimburse his or her registration fees. In other words, while your MWSA leadership understands the reality of the moment and the potential for longer-term issues, we want all members to go ahead with their planning and registering for the conference without any fear of financial loss. So please take advantage of the early bird rate which will falls off at the end of May, as there is no reason not to.   


Elections 2020

Our elections are looming.  Please consider running for office or for a Board position. We especially need more women on our Board! The workload is light for most board members, but the need to have a full and active board is essential.  If you are interested or wish to nominate someone else, please contact Joe Epley, the current MWSA secretary as soon as possible.  His email address is  joe@epleywrites.com.

Writing Opportunities

On occasion, we receive a request for assistance from someone who is looking for a ghostwriter or a partner in writing a book. Often it is someone who has already done a great deal of the research but doesn't know the ins and outs of writing a book or having it published. We have not had a process to handle these in the past, so we thought it would be a good idea to come up with a way to get the requests for assistance out to the full membership.  In an attempt to rectify this, we've created a new section on our website's Resources page where we can post these requests so that they're accessible to the entire membership. Here's a direct link:


And while we're on the subject of our Resources page, if you're willing to help out another MWSA member/author, you can add your name and/or company to the applicable section on that page (if you're an active MWSA member). Just fill out the form on that page to let everyone know you're willing to help out:


Thanks and stay healthy!

Bob Doerr
MWSA President

Where to go for information.  Who to contact with questions.

Membership  |  membership@mwsa.co
Review & Awards | mwsaawardsdirectors@gmail.com
Events & Conferences | events@mwsa.co
Dispatches Magazine | dispatches@mwsa.co
Outreach & Education | outreach@mwsa.co
Volunteer | volunteer@mwsa.co
Website & Contact | info@mwsa.co