Christ's Purple Heart by Chuck Habermehl

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MWSA Review

Christ’s Purple Heart by Chuck Habermehl is the account of the Passion of Christ from a military perspective. The author explains various political factions, and how they play a significant role in what happened to Jesus. The author, a Vietnam veteran, compares Jesus to an operator on a mission. Bible verses at the end of each chapter help the reader correlate fulfilling Bible prophecy with what Jesus experienced physiologically and psychologically as he was tortured.

Habermehl describes Christ’s Purple Heart: “(It) is distinguished by the cross on which He died. Above the heart is a shield, which symbolizes Jesus as the protector. It is red for the sizable amount of blood He shed and is flanked with thorns representing the crown and various devices used to inflict His injuries. The Gold V that lies atop the shied stands for the incredible valor Christ exhibited while being tortured as a prisoner of war. The red ribbon trimmed in purple is for additional blood He shed, more than any man could ever endure."

Habermehl presents Christ's Purple Heart posthumously to Jesus Christ. "For wounds received in action against hostile enemy forces resulting in His death, while engaged in a world-changing mission April 30 AD, Jerusalem, Judea..."

This Lenten season, give yourself a gift. Read Christ’s Purple Heart.

Review by Nancy Panko (February 2024)

Author's Synopsis

Christ's Purple Heart: Killed In Action Body Resurrected is a special narrative on the final days of Christ's life from the perspective of a hand-to-hand, close quarters combative tactician, Chuck Habermehl, who elaborates on descriptive injuries typically missing from most accounts of Christ’s death. Support of this historical event was found in his study of The Bible, in numerous books on the life of Jesus and in period books on warfare in the region, listed in the book’s references.

“Jesus had His marching orders in AD30, with His operation planning and methods being similar to classic small-unit tactics. There was the occupier and the occupied, the ally and the axis, good and evil.”

Christ endured horrific physical tortures at the hand of violent hostile soldiers in a barbaric time. Four chapters of Christ's Purple Heart are dedicated to the mechanisms of His dying: interrogating, scourging, beatings and the crucifixion. During all of this, Jesus possessed all the attributes of a disciplined warrior, brave and willing to sacrifice Himself for His unit, the mission and mankind. While He is deserving of so many honors, including a Medal of Honor, it is because of His physical injuries Habermehl focuses on Christ's Purple Heart.

Format(s) for review: Paper Only

Review Genre: Other—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 128

Word Count: 20,000