Please Write: A Novel by Janette Byron Stone

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MWSA Review
Please Write gives a wonderful view of the Vietnam War from the Australian point of view. The letters tie the thoughts of young servicemen in Vietnam with those of Catherine, left behind to come into adulthood in a strange time in Australian history. Vivid descriptions allow the reader to step into Catherine's shoes, feeling her desires and her pain. I highly recommend Please Write.

Review by Dawn Brotherton (February 2022)

Author's Synopsis

Seventeen-year-old Catherine has lived a cloistered life dominated by the choices of a tormented mother and an overprotective grandmother. A summer job in Kings Cross, infamous for its mob controlled nightclubs, prostitutes and drugs, will change all that. Sydney has just opened its doors to American GIs on R&R from the war in Vietnam and Catherine is in the perfect place to meet them. Before long she finds herself charmed by the well mannered Americans, but when tragedy hits a target close to Catherine's heart she realizes her life is spinning out of control. Set in a time that continues to shape the course of history, this is Catherine's story of negotiating the lessons of Vietnam as one of those trapped in the spaces between her own personal struggle and an unpopular war.

ISBN/ASIN: ISBN-13 9780578475240, ISBN-10 0578475240, ASIN B07P9ZQ1YV

Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle

Review Genre: Fiction—Historical Fiction

Number of Pages: 306