Tiffany Studios Buying Guide by Allen Tiffany

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MWSA Review
Tiffany Studios Buying Guide is not your typical reference book where a seller or buyer of an item can look up prices. Rather, it is a handy reference for those interested in evaluating the authenticity and quality of items created by Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Furnaces, and Favrile art glass objects.

With many annotated color photographs, the author helps the reader distinguish between pieces in excellent condition and those that are damaged. He deftly demonstrates, through text and photos, where damage is likely to occur and where it exists and might be not so obvious. In addition, Mr. Tiffany (yes, he is related to the Tiffany family), has spent many years in his mother’s antique shop where he learned much about what to look for when trading in Tiffany ware.

He offers and demonstrates practical ideas for how to use today’s auction sites (such as e-Bay, among others) to get an idea of the selling price for specific pieces of Tiffany. Mr. Tiffany wisely cautions against using the asking price for an item as a guide for determining value. Instead, he shows the reader, through screenshots, how to find the actual selling price of a specific piece on auction sites. As with any purchase, sometimes buyers are not satisfied with what they bought. The author offers practical suggestions for addressing this problem and getting a refund.

The bibliography provides essential references for anyone buying or selling Tiffany lamps, art glass, desk sets, and bronzes. The author writes a synopsis for each book he recommends. If you are interested in buying or selling the Tiffany items referenced in this book, add the Tiffany Studios Buying Guide to your bookshelf. Better yet, keep the book next to your computer.

Review by Patricia Walkow (March 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Antique Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Furnaces, and Tiffany Favrile glass are some of the most popular pieces on eBay and other online auction sites. They are gorgeous and often as presented, but sometimes damage - both subtle and severe - may not be explicitly called out or obvious from photos. Focused on the "Etched Metal and Glass" desk sets and more common Favrile art objects, this detailed and lavishly illustrated buying guide will teach you how to look for hidden damage so you don't overpay hundreds of dollars. Additional chapters include an overview of how to buy and sell Tiffany for a profit, and what to do if you are the victim of fraud when buying antiques, and an extensive review of more than 15 Tiffany references. Allen is distantly related to Louis Comfort Tiffany and has long prized his art. As a teenager, he worked in his mother's antique store and spent many weekends at estate sales, auctions, and the occasional antique show learning the trade and how to spot the treasures and pieces that would have been treasures were it not for damage.


Book Format(s): Soft cover

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 227