Not For God and Country by William Murphy

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MWSA Review
In his book, Not for God or Country, author William Murphy gives us a good look back at the war in Vietnam. Murphy does a good job in mixing his own personal experiences as a marine in the conflict (1968) along with a history lesson. Summarizing the brief history of the country of Viet Nam after WWII, the author provides insight into the French attempts to maintain control of the country and America’s subsequent attempt to keep South Vietnam an independent, democratic nation.

Murphy writes from a marine's perspective, reflecting how combat affected him and other soldiers. He describes what life was like: the hardships, the fears, the changes one had to make to adapt and survive. He tells what it was like coming home to an environment where it was best not to advertise that you served, and the painfully slow process the country went through before honoring those who returned. The book discusses the peace accords, the return of the POWs, and the never-ending search for those still missing. This is a good book that anyone interested in the war in Vietnam or military history in general should enjoy.

Review by Bob Doerr (May 2021)


Author's Synopsis
A true and definitive full story of the Vietnam War, written by an ex-Marine Grunt from a grunt's perspective. But unlike most books about Vietnam it tells the full story - from decisions made in 1945 and for the next twenty years, which led to the war that nobody wanted. It tells the history of the war, and the gritty reality of jungle combat fighting in impossible conditions against formidable foes. The story continues through the postwar period and the circumstances faced by returning vets in a nation that just wanted to forget and move on, and cared little.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-64663-273-2

Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—History

Number of Pages: 272