Homeland Burning by Brinn Colenda

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MWSA Review

Tom Callahan, along with family and friends—and their determined and lethal foes—are at it again.  The good guys are brave, cultured, quick-witted and lethal… and so are the women.

Brinn Collenda’s second novel in the Callahan series, Homeland Burning, is a terrifyingly believable thriller.  Taking over where the last installment ended, the main players in this saga have moved away from South America, but they haven’t moved away from danger.    Seemingly grabbed right out of current news headlines, the deadly scenario that unfolds in the course of this novel isn’t a stretch—especially given the still-raging battle to control various wildfires in America’s west.  The life-and-death struggle facing all those who battle a raging fire is deftly conveyed in Collenda’s exciting yarn.  

This fast-paced, exciting story will have you begging for more... and the book’s ending leaves no doubt that there’ll be plenty of work for the Callahans in the future! 

Review by John Cathcart (July 2018)

Author's Synopsis

Spring of 2000: Wildfires destroy mountain watersheds and municipal water systems, breached dams release tidal waves of water to obliterate farms and towns, and stone-cold shooters target helpless civilians. USAF Colonel Tom Callahan struggles to convince a skeptical U.S. intelligence community that enemy attacks on American soil are not only possible, but inevitable.

Kurt Wallerein, the world’s foremost terrorist-for-hire, feared, hated and hunted by every intelligence service in the West, has unleashed a terrifying campaign against the American Heartland to undermine the legitimacy of the United States government.

Callahan has to rally support to stop the attacks, but his political enemies in Washington conspire to distract the President and ridicule evidence. He’ll need all the help he can get from aviators of the New Mexico National Guard, the Civil Air Patrol and the Ninety-Nines.

ISBN/ASIN: ISBN-10: 1596161035 ISBN-13: 978-1596161030
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Fiction, Mystery/Thriller
Review Genre: Fiction—Mystery/Thriller
Number of Pages: 300