Tying Up Water & Other Stories, by R. MacKenzie & M. Todd

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MWSA Review

Ross Mackenzie's newest set of short stories is a poignant collection of Man vs. Random. These three well-written stories showcase both the author's experience as a Navy helo-pilot and his love for rock-climbing. Just armed with that background alone Mackenzie could weave some decent stories. But when he adds the element of experience vs. life's random curve balls, he really hits a home run.

"Tying Up Water and Other Stories" deals with a young Navy pilot who crashed just minutes before, losing his helicopter crew and waiting for a rescue that may or may not come.

"Remembering Christmas" describes a rock climber who is focused both on a dangerous ascent and on a Christmas past spent with a lover.

"Truth in Advertising" is a story about your every day Navy sailors trying to help one of their own who just had his leg shattered in an operational accident.

The last is the most memorable to me, because it could be on any ship at any time on any day in the Navy, and as career Navy myself it really hit home.
Mackenzie is a gifted story teller. These short reads are worth the time invested.

Reviewed by: Rob Ballister (2012)

Author's Synopsis

A helicopter crash leaves Stuart adrift with unreliable memories, foggy recollections, and bittersweet realizations. Through this catastrophic experience, Stuart must rely on his strength, his family, and his faith to try and persevere. Sensual passion, exhilarating rock climbs, and tender hope for a legacy combine to define this remarkable story as not only a harrowing adventure, but also a touching love story.

The collection delivers other stories equally captivating in arenas varying from Australian rock climbing to high-sea Navy adventures. Ross H. Mackenzie is an award-winning author best known for his Patriot Kids children’s book series that positively impacts military families every day.